We showed up at the third open indoor day with a smaller handler line than the previous two outings. But with reinforcements in the cutting line were prepped to give it our best.
The theme of the day would be building a lead early on in the match, the giving it away again to make it exciting at the end of the match. (Unintentionally of course)
First up was ufo2. This match followed the theme perfectly, but we got away with a few points lead in the end again, winning the match.
Then W.A.F., W.A.F. is turning out to be our nemesis this season, having narrowly lost last time around. This match followed the theme of the day again, and to my frustration, led to a tie, going with a lead in the final point.
Not following the theme was the match against Frisbee Club Veenendaal Tijgers, we lost outright with a large differential, props to the just promoted team.
The last match was against Force Elektro who just relegated from third. This time we followed the theme of the day again, but managed to take off with such a lead that we could manage the last points until the time was up. To get away with a surprising win. Our overall conclusion was that this match should not have lasted 5 minutes longer.
It was a great day of ultimate, thanks W.A.F. for